2022 Truck Safet Event - without DP & RTA logo

On 24-November-22 we held a Truck Safety Event funded by 3 of our CSR-Partners Mercedes-Benz Trucks, Bridgestone and MiX Telematics, with additional speakers from Tristar and Neutral Fuels.

2022 Truck Safety Event - Pic of Venue + Room

The speakers updated the audience on the latest trends and developments in their respective industry and also shared concrete success stories for tangible proof of their technologies.

The concluding panel discussion focused on sustainability aspects of the future industry trends.

2022 Truck Safety Event - Pic of Speakers

A big ‘thank-you’ goes to our speakers Anand Hedge (Bridgestone), Olaf Petersen (Mercedes-Benz Trucks), Taher El Shall (MiX Telematics), Karl Feilder (Neutral Fuels), Sridhar Srinivasalu (Tristar) and Stefano Sanchini (Bridgestone) who joined us for the panel discussion.

A second big ‘thank-you’ goes to the team behind the scenes who made this wonderful event happen!

The agenda of the event:

8:30 Welcome Coffee

9:00 Welcome and Introduction by RoadSafetyUAE

9:20 Bridgestone – Trends & Case Study

9:40 Mercedes-Benz Trucks – Trends & Case Study

10:00 Mix Telematics - Trends & Case Study

10:20 Coffee & Networking Break

10:50 Biofuels – the good, the bad, and the ugly

11:10 Tristar - Truck Safety Improvements: Review & Outlook

11:30 Podium Discussion ‘The Future of Truck Safety & Sustainability’ and Q&A

12:00 End of Event