TMNF + Mitsubishi Staff Training Oct 2023 - privacy edited

Article posted 20-Oct-2023

It’s the role of the ‘good employer’ to engage with their staff on topics which might potentially pose a source of negative effects on their safety, wellbeing and health. Road traffic accidents remain the UAE’s #1 cause of ‘life years lost’ and #2 cause of death. Hence, road safety is a key concern of many caring companies.

We held a staff workshop with a Japanese Conglomerate facilitated by our CSR-Partner Tokio Marine Insurance.

Our philosophy is to make workshops as engaging as possible, and not lecturing at all. The agenda consists of a warm-up game, providing a background on road safety statistics (‘what kills us on our roads?’), videos, group-work sessions and insights into our behavior research.

We have conducted quite a number of these workshops over the years and are grateful for the positive feedback we receive.
 should you be interested in conducting road safety workshops for your staff, feel free to reach out to us!