Deliver Rider Appreciation for Story

Article published 10-May-2021

Our CSR-Partner Serco teamed up with us for a Delivery Rider Appreciation Ramadan campaign. Careem was so kind to give us access to a couple of their riders to get them involved. Check out the video!

For the 2021 Ramadan campaign Serco wants to focus on the role of the delivery customers. This is vital, as the rider perception is that their customers often do not appreciate their safety as an earlier study of RoadSafetyUAE shows:

* Only 51% of riders think: “Customers are CONCERNED about our safety”
* Only 57% of riders think: “Customers UNDERSTAND if we are running a bit LATE”

This is truly alarming, as we believe that this – often wrong – perception of riders drives much of the rider misbehavior! Hence we propose to focus on delivery customer’s appreciation towards their riders. We firmly believe, this will take the steam out of the system and the customers’ voices will result in safer rider behavior. Customers should tell their riders:

- I appreciate your work!
- I value your safety !
- I understand if you are a bit late and that your health and safety are most important!
- There is no need to speed or to take any risks!

In addition to the 4 tips above, offer your delivery rider a tip and a light snack or drink – be mindful about Ramadan and Iftar timings!

We invite our readers to take & share the Delivery Rider Pledge within heir eco-system.