In the UK I worked for the police force, I installed journey data loggers to all the force vehicles which recorded the journey data, speed, g force ( irratic driving – late braking) as well as lights, indicators, etc.
The data was sent to HQ after every journey and also stored inside the unit.
Could we not utilise this service here and offer reduced insurance for good drivers, whilst dangerous drivers are punished with heaver insurance and in the case of an collision the data can be used to punish the persons at fault correctly.
We are working on this, please sign up as a beta tester once we have final approval we can bring it to market.
Who’s going to monitor this? Frequently I see vehicles belonging to the service who we might assume to be the authority on road safety ignoring some of the most simple and essential road traffic rules such as:
indicating while changing lanes
driving in the correct lane
obeying the speed limit
not using mobile telephones while driving.
I wouldn’t want my driving being scrutinised by an agency with this understanding of road safety