Dashboard Cameras – This topic had some coverage when it was suggested that they might be made legal in the UAE. However, since then I have heard very little about it. I believe they are an essential driving aid in the fight against fraud and dangerous driving, tailgating etc. I would be keen to hear other people’s opinions and suggestions on this topic.
I strongly believe that UAE traffic law should enforce dash cams in the cars as it would always act as a Neutral eye on the road users and ensure that no single person is awarded with a wrong ticket for no fault of his if he can have the dash cam evidence shared with the police. They can also act well in line with “We are police” campaign by Dubai police. I would sincerely request that dash cams be made legal
Its already legal provided you don’t go to Social media. Why are you guys complaining?
Dashcams are already legal in the UAE. I have one permanently installed in my vehicle. They are also available in certain high street stores.
The use of Dashcams is recommended by Abu Dhabi and Dubai Police.