The lights on our cars have a variety of uses:
INDICATORS (signal lights) show the way we intend to move the vehicle BEFORE we do so (Mirror, Signal, Manoeveure) to give fellow drivers a chance to anticipate the movement

HAZARD WARNING INDICATORS (flashers) alert fellow drivers to a hazard whether it be our vehicle (breakdown) or a significant external event (rapidly slowing traffic, an accident ahead etc)
When it’s raining or foggy your fellow drivers already know this, so no need to keep them on.

FOG LIGHTS should be used when visibility is less than 100m as a rule of thumb. Turn them off when conditions return to normal or you risk dazzling fellow drivers

HEADLIGHTS allow us to see ahead AND fellow drivers to see our vehicle’s position particularly in low visibility situations such as darkness, fog, heavy rain etc.
If you are not sure when to turn headlights on or off, take your cue from fellow drivers, they can’t all be wrong after all. If you’re not sure, turn them on anyway, no harm done.

SIDELIGHTS are for marking a parked vehicle in low visibility conditions NOT for driving when its not fully dark yet (dusk). If you are driving use the headlights on dipped beam in the city.